Academic Bio Statement
Paul Kei Matsuda is Professor of English and Director of Second Language Writing at Arizona State University, where he works closely with doctoral students specializing in second language writing from various disciplinary perspectives.
Paul is Founding Chair of the Symposium on Second Language Writing and Series Editor of the Parlor Press Series on Second Language Writing. Former President of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, he has also served as the founding chair of the CCCC Committee on Second Language Writing and the chair of the Nonnative English Speakers in TESOL (NNEST) at TESOL International Association.
Paul has published widely in applied linguistics, writing studies and TESOL, and has received a number of prestigious awards for his publications. He uses a diverse array or theoretical and methodological tools to investigate topics such as disciplinary history, identity in written discourse, professional development, writing for publication, writing and language assessment, teaching and learning, and writing program administration.
A frequent world traveler, Paul has been invited to present keynote and plenary talks as well as lectures and workshops in various countries and regions. He has held visiting professor positions at universities in many countries, giving lectures, workshops, and academic consultations for faculty members as well as master’s and doctoral students. Paul also has taught a wide variety of courses in applied linguistics, linguistics, rhetoric and composition, and TESOL at universities around the world.
In addition to teaching, research and professional service, Paul has served as a program developer, evaluator and consultant for writing and language programs as well as graduate programs throughout the United States and around the world.
Paul serves as an English Language Specialist for the US Department of State, and was recently chosen as one of the 30 most impactful Specialists. A video documentary of one of his trips as a Specialist is available on YouTube.
Aside from his academic pursuits, Paul enjoys scuba diving, motorcycle riding, cooking, and photography.
For more information, see Paul’s CV.
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